Wednesday, 29 July 2020

[HW4: PART 1] Concepts of Gradient & Vertical Intercepts

Study Notes (p14-p15) Estimated Duration: 15 minutes

We are going to find out the graph of a straight line in the form of y = mx + c changes when either m or c varies

1. Go to the following website to access the online Desmos file

2. Record your observations on the behaviour of the graph
A list of words that might be useful when filling in the blanks: 
Upward | Downward | Rotate | Slant | Gentle | Steep | Horizontal | Vertical | Perpendicular | Parallel | Gradient | Positive | Negative | Zero | x-intercept | y-intercept | intersection | x-coordinate | y-coordinate | Direction 

3. Upload IMAGES of your completed work (p14-p15) as 2 separate posts in the padlet:
Click HERE to access.

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[HW4: Part 2] Finding Gradient & Intercept to form Linear Equation

Click HERE to access padlet

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You may find the following useful before doing the task above - to recap GRADIENT

Saturday, 18 July 2020

The greatest mathematician that never lived...

We have started learning functions this week (T3W7).
Do you know there is a relationship between the greatest mathematician and functions?
Watch the clip... you will hear some familiar words in our vocabulary list.


Monday, 13 July 2020

Why is data IMPORTANT to our country?


  • Why is data important to our country? 
  • How do the different government and non-government agencies make use of such data for planning?

Click HERE to access the website of the Singapore Department of Statistics.

Seeing Singapore through data....


Click HERE to access the mission

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(Discussion) Misleading Charts: News Reporting - Robberies

Do you consider the reporter’s statement to be a reasonable interpretation of the graph?

[Class Discussion] Understanding INTENT behind the Report (data)

 Click HERE to access the padlet

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